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  • Aeon & Trisl UAEAeon & Trisl UAE

Meet The Team

AllDirectorsSales TeamMarketing TeamFinanceAdmin / HR / IT
Saleem Karsaz Aeontrisl ceo


Group CEO


Group CEO

True leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders

ceo pakistan aeontrisl

Ali Saleem Gilani

CEO Pakistan

Ali Saleem Gilani

CEO Pakistan
noor arif mukaty aeontrisl director

Noor Arif Mukaty


Noor Arif Mukaty


A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.





Faizan Munaf

Country Head

Faizan Munaf

Country Head

If you don't know your destiny, Any path will need you there.

tahseen bawani aeontrisl employee

Tahseen Bawani

Regional Sales Head

Tahseen Bawani

Regional Sales Head

Buyers decide in the first eight seconds of seeing a home if they’re interested in buying it.

aeontrisl property consultant

Adeel Sarwar

Property Consultant

Adeel Sarwar

Property Consultant

Success is actually a short race — a sprint fueled by discipline just long enough for habit to kick in and take over.

property consultant aeontrisl


Property Consultant


Property Consultant

Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.

shehroze ali aeontrisl employee

Shehroze Ali Khan

Property Consultant

Shehroze Ali Khan

Property Consultant

Don’t wait to buy land. Buy land and wait.

Matloob Khan

Property Consultant

Matloob Khan

Property Consultant

Owning a home is a keystone of wealth

naveed aeontrisl employee

Naveed Gilani

Property Consultant

Naveed Gilani

Property Consultant

Don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait.

Noor Muhammad Moten

Property Consultant

Noor Muhammad Moten

Property Consultant
araib khan aeontrisl employee

Araib Khan

Global Marketing Head

Araib Khan

Global Marketing Head

Efficiency is doing the thing right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing.

Saif Bin Saeed

Marketing Manager

Saif Bin Saeed

Marketing Manager

Business has only two functions — marketing and innovation.

rabab dilawar

Rabab Dilawar Khan

Marketing Coordinator

Rabab Dilawar Khan

Marketing Coordinator

The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.

aeontrisl employee

M. Kashif Tafazzul

Creative Associate

M. Kashif Tafazzul

Creative Associate

You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

kashan khan aeontrisl employee

Kashan Khan

Creative Associate

Kashan Khan

Creative Associate

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

abdul samad aeontrisl finance manager

Abdul Samad

Finance Manager

Abdul Samad

Finance Manager

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

aeontrisl employee

Tufail Virani

Assistant Finance Manager

Tufail Virani

Assistant Finance Manager

Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.

najam aeontrisl employee

Najam Bawani

Property Consultant

Najam Bawani

Property Consultant

Good teams incorporate teamwork into their culture, creating the building blocks for success.

safdar aeontrisl employee

Safdar Hussain

Project Accounts Manager

Safdar Hussain

Project Accounts Manager

Coming together is a beginning... Keeping together is progress... Working together is a success.


Listing Manager


Listing Manager

Muhammad Shujaat Ali

Accounts Executive

Muhammad Shujaat Ali

Accounts Executive

I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.

hassan sohail employee aeontrisl

Hassan Sohail

Lead monitoring officer

Hassan Sohail

Lead monitoring officer

intelligence-led operations have to be embedded into both processes and more importantly mindsets to bridge the gaps in Risk Management

Malik Liaquat

Accounts Executive

Malik Liaquat

Accounts Executive
HR aeontrisl


HR Manager


HR Manager

Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.

Muhammad Abid

IT Manager

Muhammad Abid

IT Manager
aeontrisl employee

Hamza Khan

IT Executive

Hamza Khan

IT Executive

Technology is best when it brings people together.

property consultant aeontrisl

Imran Shaikh

Property Consultant

Imran Shaikh

Property Consultant

Know what you own, and know why you own it.

M. Rayyan Maniya

Property Consultant

M. Rayyan Maniya

Property Consultant

Adil Gilani

Associate Property Consultant

Adil Gilani

Associate Property Consultant

Danish Muhammad Farooq

Senior Property Consultant

Danish Muhammad Farooq

Senior Property Consultant

Kashif Khalil

Head of Karachi Secondary Market

Kashif Khalil

Head of Karachi Secondary Market

Huzefa Zahid Razzak

Associate Property Consultant

Huzefa Zahid Razzak

Associate Property Consultant

Muhammad Ahmed Siddiqui

Property Consultant

Muhammad Ahmed Siddiqui

Property Consultant

Siddique Ur Rehman

Admin Executive

Siddique Ur Rehman

Admin Executive

Hammad Zahid Jeewani

Property Consultant

Hammad Zahid Jeewani

Property Consultant

Mirza Hamza Baig

Property Consultant

Mirza Hamza Baig

Property Consultant

Mr. Ayaz Gul

Property Consultant

Mr. Ayaz Gul

Property Consultant

Mr. Bilal Ahmed

Property Consultant

Mr. Bilal Ahmed

Property Consultant

Muhammad Aman

Property Consultant

Muhammad Aman

Property Consultant
Abeer Farooq

Abeer Farooq

Property Consultant

Abeer Farooq

Property Consultant

Arqam Ahmed

Property Consultant

Arqam Ahmed

Property Consultant

Bilal Jalil

Property Consultant

Bilal Jalil

Property Consultant

Laiba Hassan

Property Consultant

Laiba Hassan

Property Consultant

Muhammad Umair

Property Consultant

Muhammad Umair

Property Consultant

Uzzam Ahmed Shaikh

Property Consultant

Uzzam Ahmed Shaikh

Property Consultant

Zain Syed

Marketing Manager

Zain Syed

Marketing Manager

Daniyal Lakhani

Customer Support Representatives

Daniyal Lakhani

Customer Support Representatives

Mehran Mehr Shah

Customer Support Representatives

Mehran Mehr Shah

Customer Support Representatives

Ayesha Aamir

Customer Support Representatives

Ayesha Aamir

Customer Support Representatives

Muhammad Junaid Sajjad

Creative Associate

Muhammad Junaid Sajjad

Creative Associate

Ahmed Anwer

Property Consultant

Ahmed Anwer

Property Consultant


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